Transmitting the fire of God to all those around you.

Transmitting. It comes from the word transmit. Which was first recorded as a word in 1350-1400 from the Middle English transmitten, and from the Latin transmittere. Transmitting is a combination of two words, trans, which means to send across, and mittere, which means to send. In other words, it means to send or forward, as to a recipient or destination, dispatch, display, convey.  Another definition is to communicate, as information or news. Or to pass or spread as in an infection or disease.

How then do you transmit . . . fire? That is the question that will be answered in today's sermonic thought by Elaine Hinshaw. If "the fire" is understood to be the Holy Spirit, there is much that can be shared about that reality. Listen to this thought. "Keep the conscience tender, that you may hear the faintest whisper of the voice that spoke as never man spoke. Let all who would wear the yoke of Christ slow an inflexible purpose to do right because it is right. Keep the eye fixed on Jesus, inquiring at every step. Is this the way of the Lord? The Lord will not leave anyone who does this, to come the sport of Satan's temptation." RH May 9, 1899, Art. A, par. 13

The power of the Holy spirit is a reality for all those whose conscience is tender. The tenderness of the conscience is brought about by keeping the eye fixed on the Master Jesus. If ever thee was a time when God's people need to be and stay closely fixed on Jesus. . . it's now. Our lives are an open book for all to see. What are people seeing about our lives? Are there evidences that a "fire" burns within us? Is there a visible demonstration that God is working in and through our lives?

If so, then you are transmitting the fire of God to all those around you! You are fulfilling your fullest potential as a human being. You are the Son and/or Daughter of God making every breath you take count! There is no better way to live a life than to live it for God. There is no better way to make an impact on the lives of people than to make them for the cause of Christ.

May you, this Sabbath, be filled with His Spirit so that you can . . . transmit the FIRE!

Until the next time, this is Pastor Tello reminding you that thoughts do change lives!


Pastor Howard Tello