Preach the Word. In season. Out of season. This biblical thought is found in 2 Timothy 4:2. There is something that happens to you when you "preach" the word of God to others. Listen to this thought: "This solemn charge to one so zealous and faithful as was Timothy, is a strong testimony to the importance and responsibility of the work of the gospel minister. Summoning Timothy before the bar of God, Paul bids him preach the word, not the sayings and customs of men; to be ready to witness for God whenever opportunity should present itself - "before large congregations and private circles, by the way and at the fireside, to friends and to enemies, whether in safety or exposed to hardship and peril, reproach and loss."
Here is the temptation that many fall into when they read a thought like this: This is powerful for the minister; the pastor; the leaders of the church, perhaps. But me? It doesn't apply to me! Alas dear brother and sister in Christ, it most definitely applies to you! In fact, recognizing the times in which we are living, one is moved, motivated, and called to Preach the Word to those around us.
During the 8th Century BC, the prophet Micah wrote these words, "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the Lord require of these, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? Micah 6:8, KJV. Doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbling with our God is PREACHING THE WORD! When those that surround us observe our lives of justice, mercy, and humility and realize that we love and honor God, that reality leaves a lasting impression on the minds of those that come in contact with us.
The Apostle Paul argues, "You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone." 2 Corinthians 3:2, NIV. So, preach the word. In season. Out of season. Live your life for the Master Jesus. Make His Word delicious to those that come in contact with you. May you, this Sabbath, learn more about preaching the Word from Pastor Moeller!
So, until the next time this is Pastor Tello reminding you that thoughts do change lives!
Pastor Howard Tello