It has been stated, "We have nothing to fear for the future, except we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." - 9T 10.3 Why do you suppose it's so easy to forget what God has done for us? Why do we suffer from amnesia? Perhaps the answer to these questions is not found in some long-drawn-out explanation, but rather one simple reason . . .
We forget because we want to. Let me explain. Are there things that have happened to you in your life that you wished never did? I'm sure of it. If there was some way to forget those bad things in our lives, many would be willing to pay anything to get that relief from the memory of that pain. But is a relationship with God painful? So much so that we want to forget what He has done for us in the past?
Yes and no. What makes a relationship with God painful is our "dying" DAILY to self. Dying is not painless unless heavily medicated. Most of the time, dying is painful until it is not. That process of "dying" to self is something that is painful to do because you really don't want to die to self. We'd all like to stay alive and well for as long as we can. Even at the cost of our personal pain.
When we allow God to transform our lives, and we choose (like Paul did) to die to self daily, we experience the natural pain of a relationship with God that is followed by . . . peace. You see, dying is painful until it is not. Spiritual dying is painful until it is not! What follows our choice to die to self is a "peace that passeth all understanding" that comes directly from God Himself!
There is nothing that God will not give us if we would just ask. Especially when our asking Him involves our desire to die to self and be filled with His everlasting peace. Now listen, this peace is not something we ARE to experience in the future. No, a thousand times no. It's a peace we can experience NOW TODAY, AT THIS MOMENT. So, choose not to forget what God has done in your live. Choose to live for Him today. Choose to die daily . . . as painful as that may be, to live in His "peace that passeth all understanding!"
So, until the next time, this is Pastor Tello reminding you that thoughts do change lives!
Pastor Howard Tello