
It's Communion Sabbath once more. A time to reflect, to ponder, to consider the path of your spiritual life. A time to realize that the way you have been walking, living, and acting needs to be reevaluated in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that a time to do those things is necessary and painful. It's obvious why it's necessary, but not so obvious why it is painful.

Pain reminds us that we are still human. In the world of Christianity, pain reminds us that God is still wooing us, longing for us, desiring us to follow his ways. It's a different type of pain than the physical pain we all deal with for just being human. This type of pain, if you will, is a pain that one feels when what you thought was right is actually wrong. Whey you've made a decision to do something only to see that decision to be the worst decision you have ever made.

That painful realization is good and bad. Good, if you do something about it to change its potential outcome. Bad, if you do nothing. On this Communion Sabbath I invite you to self-reflect on the spiritual journey you are on. Jesus is constantly calling us, wooing us, desiring us to follow the path of light. He told us, He is the way, the truth , nd the life . . . no one . . . that means no one comes to the Father except through Jesus!

May this Sabbath day be a day where you are reminded once more of your constant need of the Master Jesus; of the desire Jesus has for your life to be in harmony with the will of the Father; of the hope that lies within you that you are loved and there is a purpose for your life. May you, this Sabbath, allow the conviction of the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and see what plans God has for you this coming week!

So, until the next time, this is Pastor Tello reminding you that thoughts do change lives!