
What an incredible week! Although I've been in camp meeting all week long, the planning, organizing, and execution of our annual VBS was amazing! Thank you A.J. and Brianna for your leadership and love of this much needed ministry.

Summer is finally here! We have been blessed with incredible weather this year. However, although many aren't complaining, it could be warmer! It's an interesting phenomenon . . . when it's hot, we want it cold. When it's cold, we want it hot. And all weather conditions that we experience . . . we would want them to be different!

Why do we do that? We are never satisfied with what we have . . . we want more, we want better. There is a Biblical principle that helps us when we feel we are not satisfied,

"I am not saying this because I am in need,
for I have learned to be content whatever the
circumstances." Philippians 4:11

This Sabbath, may you find the contentment God can give you. May you feel the satisfaction God can provide as you live a life with the master Jesus. Pastor Ole will be sharing a thought on "What Child is this?" Be inspired, be changed, and most importantly, allow God to transform your life!

So, until the next time, this is Pastor Tello reminding you that thoughts do change lives!


Pastor Howard Tello